Do Audible Books Come With Text
I have been looking for this product you describe with real-people-voices and I havent found anything close. Look for our book and at the bottom under Title you can see the PDF. Audible To Roll Out Text Captions For Audiobooks In An Upcoming Feature Los Angeles Times The extracted text is displayed on the screen for reference and you can even pause skip pages. Do audible books come with text . While chatting to an Audible rep I mentioned I didnt like an audiobook Id bought a few months previously. There are many audio books with text included. I would also like to be able to fold down pages on books-on-tape or ipod so that I can easily look-back at the written page electronically at a later time. Want to see the PDF on your mobile app. I wish they would. AudiblePDFs is now called Audible eReader Audible eReader is a Text-to-Speech application that allows you to View and Listen to the extracted text from PDF documents using any of the pre-installed voices on your Windows Ph...